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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Partially blond!

The last few weeks I had the privilege to work at Rice Creek Field Station with a program called Exploring Nature! It's 100% Science all day every day! It's awesome! After a my two weeks of hard work I rewarded myself by getting my hair done!

I got it highlighted and when I first looked in the mirror I was in complete and total shock! I didn't have words enough...it grew on me and now I LOVE it! It even has this way of making me look more tanned!
Everyone seems to love it EXCEPT...you guessed it...my husband! The one person whose suppose to love it no matter what, right!?!?! HAHAHAHA, I guess he doesn't think blonds have more fun...

Here are some pics, excuse the bathing suit :)

Nice view of the back, what's really great though is about a year a go I had red highlights put in and NOW with the blond you can finally see them!! HAHAHAHA

me :)

I love this one even though the my hair is wind blown!

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